'Pro-ly' logical .

Friday, October 26, 2007

Exams .

Yo , guys exams are around the corner AND i am busy preparing for it . ( Ha not really ) When exams are around the corner , i always think of the holidaes and nt the marks i will be getting , you noe wat i mean ? Its means that i dun really care how much marks i will get for the exams cause when its already over you can't change the marks . As for the holidaes i will play every single dae . Hoho . =X


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endurance, risk and love
Friday, October 26, 2007
Yo , guys exams are around the corner AND i am busy preparing for it . ( Ha not really ) When exams are around the corner , i always think of the holidaes and nt the marks i will be getting , you noe wat i mean ? Its means that i dun really care how much marks i will get for the exams cause when its already over you can't change the marks . As for the holidaes i will play every single dae . Hoho . =X

3:07 AM endurance, risk and love

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October 2007